2020 Winter / Spring Workshops Teacher Training


Below you will find the workshops that we have available for the Winter-Spring session. Workshops are held at the Bronfman Jewish Education Centre – 5151 Cote Saint Catherine, Montreal Quebec H3W 1M6.

Unless otherwise noted, all workshops are free of charge for educators in the Montreal Jewish day schools.  Advanced registration is required.

For any questions, please contact the presenter of the workshop: Dr. Carly Rosenzweig; Ms. Hilary Greenstone, MEd; Mrs. Keren Ludvig, MEd; or Dr. Chantal Dufour-Martel


French Language Arts

Cerf-volant s’envole avec ses mots!

Formatrice : Chantal Dufour-Martel, PhD

Programme de lecture précoce qui développe la procédure alphabétique d’identification des mots de textes, et qui mène par automatisation à la procédure orthographique.

Le programme cible les apprentis lecteurs de la maternelle, 1re et 2e année.

Jeudi le 9 janvier 2020                          9h à midi


La forêt de l’alphabet

Formatrice : TBA

Programme d’enseignement explicite, systématique et ludique, qui vise la prévention, à la maternelle, des difficultés en lecture. Inclut des activités qui favorisent l’apprentissage du nom et du son des lettres; le développement des habiletés métaphonologiques et l’enrichissement du vocabulaire. Adapté du Scott Foresman Early Reading Intervention et du Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies. Évalué avec succès auprès de 45 classes montréalaises de milieu défavorisé.

Le programme cible les apprentis lecteurs de la maternelle.

Jeudi le 30 janvier, 2020                          9h à 16h

Mardi, le 3 mars, 2020                             9h à 16h



Coding for ELA teachers: Who, me? – CANCELLED

Presenter: Keren Ludvig, MEd

Learn how Scratch coding can support ELA learning goals, increase student engagement, and reinforce 21st century skills.  Explore a simple Scratch project that could be replicated in the ELA classroom.

English Language Arts teachers, Grade 5 – 9.  No Scratch experience required.

Tuesday February 4, 2020                          9am to 12pm


The JSTEAM Hub: What is it? What’s in it for me?

Presenter: Keren Ludvig, MEd

Montreal’s Jewish schools have access to a wonderful library of lessons that use a STEAM approach to studying holidays, Parashat Hashavua and Judaic concepts.  Discover some easy, hands-on Passover activities that can help students understand and engage with Jewish text on a deeper level.

Judaic Studies teachers, Grade 3 – High School

Thursday March 5, 2020                             9am to 12pm

English Language Arts

NEW!  Professional Learning Community (PLC)

Facilitator : Carly Rosenzweig, PhD

It’s about time!  This PLC is designed for the English Language Arts coordinators in the Montreal Jewish day schools to meet, collaborate, discuss, question, exchange ideas, support each other and learn about best practices to help strengthen the ELA classroom.  For the remainder of the 2019-2020 academic year, this PLC will meet three times.  Starting with the 2020-2021 academic year the PLC will meet four to five times per year.

All ELA coordinators Elementary and High School

Thursday February 13, 2020                       9am to 11am

Monday March 30, 2020                             9am to 11am

Thursday May 7, 2020                                 9am to 11am

Classroom Management / La gestion de classe

The Daily 5 Discussion Room/ Les 5 au quotidien salle de discussion

Facilitator : Carly Rosenzweig, PhD

If you’re a teacher who is currently implementing the Daily 5 in your classroom this discussion room is for you. The first hour you’ll spend hearing and sharing how you and other teachers have adapted this classroom management structure in the classroom.  The second hour you’ll be provided with strategy suggestions related to the development of the Big 5 of reading.  Come share your experiences and walk away with valuable teacher-approved ideas.  A minimum of 5 teachers are required to conduct this forum.

Vous êtes un enseignant qui se sert du 5 au quotidien? Une réponse affirmative ne peut que signifier que cette discussion est pour vous! Au cours de la première heure, les enseignants partageront et discuteront de la mise en œuvre de cette stratégie de gestion de classe et de la manière dont ils l’ont adaptée à leurs besoins. La deuxième heure sera consacrée à des suggestions de stratégies liées au développement du 5 au quotidien de la lecture. Venez partager vos expériences et partez avec des idées valables approuvées par les enseignants. Un minimum de 5 enseignants est requis pour mener cet atelier.

Bilingual workshop / séance bilingue

Monday January 20, 2020              9:00pm to 11:00pm             Kindergarten to Grade 2

Lundi le 20 janvier 2020                 9h à 11h                                 maternelle à la 2e année


Monday January 20, 2020              1:00pm to 3:00pm               Grade 3 to Grade 6

Lundi le 20 janvier 2020                 1h à 15h                                 3e année à la 6e année


Special Education

Seeing Stars

Presenter : Carly Rosenzweig, PhD

The Lindamood-Bell Seeing Stars® program helps improve students’ decoding, word attack and spelling skills by developing their symbol imagery – the ability to visualize sounds and letters in words.  This program is designed to remediate students who are two or more years behind in their reading acquisition.  In this workshop teachers, student support staff and special education teachers have the opportunity to explore and practice each step of the program.

Grades 3 – High School

Wednesday January 15, 2020                     9am to 3pm                          


Sound Partners

Presenter : Hilary Greenstone, MEd

Sound Partners is a phonics-based tutoring program that provides supplemental reading instruction to elementary school students grades K–3 with below-average reading skills. The program is designed for use by tutors with minimal training and experience.

Kindergarten – Grade 3

Thursday February 27, 2020                      1pm to 4pm


Verbalizing and Visualizing

Presenter : Carly Rosenzweig, PhD

The Lindamood-Bell Visualizing and Verbalizing® (V/V®) program helps improve student’s reading comprehension by developing students’ concept imagery – the ability to create an imaged gestalt from language.  This program is designed for students who are able to decode, but have difficulty making meaning from what they read. In this workshop teachers, student support staff and special education teachers have the opportunity to explore and practice each step of the program.

Grade 3 – High School

Tuesday March 24, 2020                             9am – 4pm


Executive Function and Study Skills

The Executive Function Friendly Classroom : Strategies!  Strategies!  Strategies!

Presenter : Hilary Greenstone, MEd

In this hands-on and interactive workshop teachers and support staff will be introduced to 10 brain building strategies to be used in the classroom to help develop their students’ mastery of their academic behaviours, aka the executive functions.

Grade 3 – High School

Thursday April 23, 2020                              1pm to 4pm

NEW!  Certificate Program

Executive Function Coaching Certificate

Presenters: Carly Rosenzweig, PhD & Hilary Greenstone, MEd


For teachers interested in helping improve their students’ academic behaviours, this coaching certificate is for you. In this 15 hour mini course teachers will learn to identify their students executive function strengths and areas in need of support, engage in student conferences to raise their students awareness of how they learn best as well as provide them with strategies to help improve their chances of academic success.   This certificate is focused on the how of learning and will enhance teachers’ knowledge, strategies and skills necessary to effectively move their students toward academic independence.

Grade 4 – High School

Monday January 27, 2020                           9am to 4pm

Wednesday February 5, 2020                    1pm to 4pm

Thursday March 5, 2020                             1pm to 4pm

Monday March 23, 2020                             1pm to 4pm