Adult Education Archives
The David Weissman Institute at the Bronfman Jewish Education Centre
Fall 2019
Unheralded Characters of the Bible
DATE/TIME: Wednesdays, October 16 to November 20, 2019; 2:15 to 3:30 p.m.
LOCATION: 1 Cummings Square, 5th floor, BJEC Classroom
TEACHER: Rabbi Avi Finegold
The Bible is filled with larger-than-life figures like Abraham and David, but filling out the story are often small, but significant roles like Hagar or Hulda (among others, both men and women) that we often gloss over.
Join us as we explore the secret side of Bible stories from the perspective of the more minor characters and their impact on Jewish life today.
Biographical Notes – Rabbi Avi Finegold
Avi Finegold is a Montrealer who received his rabbinic ordination more than 10 years ago. Until 2013, he worked in adult Jewish education in Chicago, where he taught in the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School and was a guest lecturer at different congregations there.
When he returned to Montreal, he founded the Jewish Learning Lab – creating curriculum and educational plans for Jewish organizations. He is also creating programs specifically for adults, to assist the learner in progressing in their Jewish educational world.
Rabbi Avi Finegold is the lead educator at the Jewish Learning Lab, which is attracting a wide range of students of all ages.
We are delighted that Rabbi Avi Finegold is returning as a lecturer at the David Weissman Institute.
Pirkei Avot: The Ethics of our Sages
Spring 2019 Program
DATE/TIME: Wednesdays, May 1 to June 5, 2019; 2:15 to 3:30 p.m.
LOCATION: 1 Cummings Square, 5th floor, BJEC Classroom
TEACHER: Rabbi Avi Finegold
Throughout history, scholars and lay audiences have read and studied this tractate of Mishnah for wisdom and insight into the rabbinic mind. Pirkei Avot (a separate book of 6 chapters) is probably the best know tractate of the Mishnah. The proverbs and wisdom contained in Pirkei Avot are part of everyday Jewish life, appearing in daily prayer and speeches since they were first compiled nearly 2000 years ago.
Join us as we study a chapter every week with a different commentator drawn from the rich tradition of commentaries on this work. All commentaries and texts will be in English and will vary from ancient to modern approaches, including a comic book version!
Biographical Notes – Rabbi Avi Finegold
Avi Finegold is a Montrealer who received his rabbinic ordination more than 10 years ago. Until 2013, he worked in adult Jewish education in Chicago, where he taught in the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School and was a guest lecturer at different congregations there.
When he returned to Montreal, he founded the Jewish Learning Lab – creating curriculum and educational plans for Jewish organizations. He is also creating programs specifically for adults, to assist the learner in progressing in their Jewish educational world.
We are delighted that Rabbi Avi Finegold will be returning to the David Weissman Institute this spring.
Greatest Hits of the Talmud
Fall 2018 Program
DATE/TIME: Wednesdays, October 3 to November 7, 2018; 2:15 to 3:30 p.m.
LOCATION: 1 Cummings Square, 5th floor, BJEC Classroom
TEACHER: Rabbi Avi Finegold
Join us this fall for an exploration of some of the most important discussions in the Talmud. Have you ever wondered what the Talmud actually talks about? Why are certain detailed discussions referred to as “Talmudic”? What kinds of things did the Rabbis care about? Why do we still read their discussions and are they still relevant?
We will learn a different passage of the Talmud each session, with an emphasis on the basic mechanics of Talmudic discourse and with an eye towards interesting debates and how they impact Jewish life today. No previous knowledge of Hebrew or Aramaic is required and all texts will be provided.
Biographical Notes – Rabbi Avi Finegold
Avi Finegold is a Montrealer who received his rabbinic ordination more than 10 years ago. Until 2013, he worked in adult Jewish education in Chicago, where he taught in the Florence Melton Adult Mini-School and was a guest lecturer at different congregations there.
When he returned to Montreal, he founded the Jewish Learning Lab – creating curriculum and educational plans for Jewish organizations. He is also creating programs specifically for adults, to assist the learner in progressing in their Jewish educational world.
Rabbi Avi Finegold is the lead educator at the Jewish Learning Lab, which is attracting a wide range of students of all ages.
We are delighted that Rabbi Avi Finegold is returning as a lecturer at the David Weissman Institute.